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A prebiotic fibre blend.


Highlights: a unique, professionally balanced blend of prebiotic fibres; simple, excipient-free formula; highly soluble, flavourless and odourless powder; gluten free and vegan; well tolerated and formulated for daily use.


Both Sunfiber and Fibregum B are certified low FODMAP by Monash University.


Often used in conjunction with: Triflora, EnteroCare, IB-Pro, PhytoZyme.

Biomedica GI-Restore 225g

  • Mix 7.5g (two heaped teaspoons) in water or juice, daily. Stir vigorously.

  • Each 7.5g serving contains:

    partially hydrolysed guar gum (Sunfiber®) 5g
    acacia gum (Fibregum™ B) 2.5g

    GI-Restore contains no excipients.

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